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SeComLib Project


Secure Computation Library (SeComLib)

Secure signal processing (SSP) is a new discipline that merges signal processing and cryptography. The main idea is to protect privacy-sensitive data by using special cryptographic schemes that enable realization of signal processing algorithms in the encrypted domain. Protocols that process data under encryption are published in literature but efficient code is barely available and reusability is a serious issue. This hampers the further uptake of secure signal processing in projects, science, and utilization. Therefore, we have developed a software library that provides a generic framework for realizing secure signal processing applications based on cryptographic techniques. The library contains efficient implementations of cryptographic building blocks for designing secure protocols to help the scientific community with code development.

Providing such a library for fast and efficient implementations of cryptographic protocols may have a great impact in the scientific community. However, the code is not industry-hard, thus commercial products are not likely to be developed directly on the basis of this code. The aim is to impact science by providing a research tool such that secure protocols can be implemented with little effort and to enable collaboration with companies by providing proof of concept examples.

The library has been developed for the Windows and Linux platforms. It is written in C++ and uses the GMP and MPIR libraries for big integer arithmetic.

The library contains cryptographic building blocks such as homomorphic encryption schemes and implementations of signal processing algorithms. More precisely, the Paillier, Okamoto-Uchiyama, DGK, and El Gamal encryption schemes have been implemented. As a vital building block, the library supports data packing, where a number of signal samples are concatenated prior to encryption. The library also has a feature to generate randomizers to be used in the cryptosystems.

Based on the above building blocks, the library provides cryptographic protocols based on the server-client model. The implemented protocols include secure comparison, secure multiplication, secure sign evaluation, etc. These protocols are used to build secure recommender and clustering (K-means and SVM based) systems.



Building blocks:


Build Instructions


Ubuntu 12.04 x64 under VirtualBox



SeComLib Library


See the resources/sample folder for a simple "Hello World" project and the test folder for some extra examples


Windows 7 x64 SP1



SeComLib Library


See the resources/sample folder for a simple "Hello World" project. Here are the steps required to create your own project from scratch: